URSI Forum 2000


Avenue de Bouchoutlaan 10, 1020, Brussels

Thursday, 14 December 2000

Announcement and Call for Papers


The 8th. URSI Forum is offering a meeting opportunity to all Belgian researchers preparing a PhD in the different scientific fields covered by URSI (International Union of Radio Science - Union Radioscientifique Internationale). Researchers with a PhD are also welcome to present significant advances in their postdoctoral research. The meeting offers to them and to the academic and scientific staff of universities and institutes a unique opportunity to be informed about the different research programmes in Radio Science.


Following evaluation of previous editions of the URSI Forum, the structure of the Forum will consist of Poster Sessions (contributions will be placed in the relevant URSI session). A preview session of the posters on display (3 minutes per poster) will be organised.

Submission of abstracts:

The contributions will be evaluated by the Scientific Programme Committee. For a final year PhD project or a follow up project, the evaluation will be based on a summary (maximum 4 pages) of the project to be submitted by the applicant. For an ongoing PhD project a 1 page abstract must be submitted. Submission is required by 15 November 2000.

Electronic submission of abstracts prepared in MS Word for a PC is prefered (RTF file is also acceptable).

An area of 1m (wide) x 2m (high) will be available for all selected posters.


The proceedings of the URSI Forum will consist of a collection of submitted abstracts and summaries and will be distributed at the Forum to all participants.


Registration is required before 1 December 2000 by returning the enclosed form.

Registration is free for authors of URSI-affiliated institutions. All others must pay a fee of 2000 BEF to cover expenses (proceedings, lunch, coffee breaks and reception).


Final Programme:

The final programme, including, titles of sessions and poster presentations, time schedule and directions to the Planetarium, will be sent by e-mail by 9th December. Since this year, the Forum is open to an international audience, and will hence have the status of an international conference.


Organisation & Contact:

Dr. P. Cugnon, ORB,

Dr. J.C. Jodogne, IRM

Prof. J. Lemaire, IASB

3, Ave Circulaire, B-1180 Bruxelles

Tel: 02-373.04.07, Fax: 02-374.84.23,

e-mail: jl@oma.be

Prof. S. Prohoroff, U.L.B.

Prof. E. Van Lil, K.U.Leuven

Prof. C. Vloeberghs, E.R.M.

Scientific Programme:

Prof. A. Barel, V.U.B.

Prof. M. Blondel, Fac. Polytechn. de Mons

Dr. P. Cugnon, ORB (Co-chairman)

Prof. P. Delogne, UCL

Prof. C. De Wagter, RUG

Prof. D. De Zutter, RUG

Prof. A. Guissard, UCL

Dr. J.C. Jodogne, IRM (Co-chairman)

Prof. P. Lagasse, RUG

Prof. J. Lemaire, IASB (Co-chairman)

Prof. P. Pâquet, ORB

Prof. S. Prohoroff, ULB

Prof. E. Schweicher, ERM

Prof. P. Sobieski, UCL

Prof. P. Van Daele, RUG

Prof. A. Van de Capelle, K.U.Leuven

Prof. A. Vander Vorst, UCL

Prof. L. Van Eck, ULB

Prof. E. Van Lil, K.U.Leuven

Prof. I. Veretennicoff, VUB

Prof. C. Vloeberghs, KMS

URSI Forum 2000


Avenue de Bouchoutlaan 10, 1020, Brussels

Thursday, 14 December 2000


Registration Form


 I will attend the URSI FORUM 2000

Last Name First Name:




Street.: No.:

City: Postal Code:

Phone: Fax:


I will send an abstract before 15 November by

 e-mail to marguerite.declercq@oma.be

 send to M. De Clercq, IASB, 3 Ave Circulaire, B-1180 Brussels.

My poster presentation will best fit session:

 Com. A: Electromagnetic Metrology  Com. F: Wave propagation and Remote Sensing

 Com. B: Fields and Waves  Com. G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation

 Com. C: Signals and Systems  Com. H: Waves in Plasmas

 Com. D: Electronics and Photonics  Com. J: Radio Astronomy

 Com. E: Electromagnetic Noise and Interference  Com. K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine

 I am not an author and agree to pay a registration fee of 2000 BEF by 1st December 2000

bank transfer to account 310-0290476-47 du "Solar Index Data Center (SIDC)"


Registration includes abstract booklet, 2 coffee breaks, lunch and closing reception.


Signature Date


Mail your registration form and abstracts to:

M. De Clercq, I.A.S.B. – Avenue Circulaire, 3, 1180 Bruxelles

e-mail: marguerite.declercq@oma.be